About Us
"Danças do Mundo" - World Dances - is an international folklore festival promoted by the association CASA DA GAIA - Centro de Cultura, Desporto e Recreio de Argoncilhe, Santa Maria da Feira.
Takes place every year in the last two weeks of July.
It is one of the key events in the cultural landscape of Santa Maria da Feira's Municipality and assumes particular prominence when compared with other international folklore festivals for its forward thinking, dimension, scope, quality and innovation.
It is an event that involves about 500 participants, among guests and volunteers, a number boosted by the participation of 7 foreign groups, from different continents, and 5 local groups originating from different regions of Portugal.
It spans for 12 days. During this period a considerable number of young volunteers, partners and non-members, work hard to make those who visit us feel at home. The main objective is for them to feel that "Danças do Mundo" is one of the best festivals they have ever took part in.
It is regarded as one of the largest international folklore festivals in the country. It goes through some of the parishes of the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and a reasonable number of municipalities in the North and Centre of the country, namely Braga, Santo Tirso, Mondim de Basto, Alcanena and Almada. We estimate its annual attendance at about 50,000 people.
Its programme is composed of several galas, such as: the Opening Gala, the National Gala and the Nations Gala, besides the other galas that are held by the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and others. Throughout the duration of the Festival, several dance workshops are held, along side with, traditional games, theme parties and sightseeing tours.
The "Danças do Mundo" is an assembly of cultures where friendship, fun and tradition predominate.